Saturday, 7 July 2012

Engaging in Social Network site: Necessity or Lifestyle?

People nowadays are engaging in social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and much more.
What actually it is? Social networking site is where people which have similar interests, views gather together and form a group of community. It is an Internet online platform which connects people with others, to share their views, interests and ideas.
Are social networking site a necessity or lifestyle for you?

More and more people are using social networking site to communicate with each other. Some use it to keep in touch with their friends, old friends, classmates, relatives which they meet by face-to-face or in other countries and to know the news update about their friends. They can communicate to others by using chat systems or conversation systems. Some people use it for entertainment purposes and business purposes. As people nowadays are busier than before, many companies and groups conduct their meeting online by using social network site. This can save their time and some of them may be hard to schedule time for meeting. It is easier using virtual network than real face-to-face meeting. Professions and students can use this platform to discuss their ideas, assignments and even collaborate with others for projects.

As social network site becomes more and more famous, people choose to set up their businesses through social network sites. Through this, businesses or people can create their own page to sell, provide services and promote their products. It is cost free. Some businesses promote their products and services by paying fees to advertised on the social network site to get attention of users. People will notice the advertisements and spread it to their friends, more people will know about the companies. It is much more efficient and effective. 

Social network site starts to become a necessity to people. It helps us to communicate with others, share our stories, update our news and information, to discuss ideas or conduct meetings. Businessmen have found a new and effective way to advertise their products and services.

In a nutshell, social network site is no longer a lifestyle for people, it is a necessity which people relies on it for many purposes.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Business Social Network: Opportunities and threats

  Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups such as small rural communities. Nowadays, social networking is not only possible in person but also for business, high school and etc. The most common social networking is Twitter and Facebook. As for business social network, it is a socio economy activity by a groups of businessman act or behave upon business opportunities.

  The opportunity for business social network would be social networking can really help the company grow their business and interact well with existing customers. Besides that, many business people agree that business networking is a more cost effective method than through advertising or public relation as business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money.

  However, there are some threats for business social network. The first is perhaps the effect on productivity in the form of addictive games on Facebook such as Farmville and Texas Holdem Poker. Next, the malicious links that are being spread on sites and these scams work by luring people to click on links posted on social networking sites with those scandalous comments. By clicking on those links, people are potentially downloading and infecting their computer with malware which could harm their IT network. To make things even worse, they will potentially be spreading the problem around the business via their business social network.

  In conclusion, the company should fully utilise their company’s opportunity efficiently and effectively while tackle their threats carefully as it may harm the company’s reputation.
Related link:

Thursday, 5 July 2012

How Social Media is changing E-commerce and the world

Facebook, Friendster, Twitter are the examples of social media. But, what is social media? Social media is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online. It is very useful and easy for everyone to share their own ideas, photos, videos, likes, dislikes throughout the world. Everybody can find friends, business contacts and become part of a community or a brunch of different communities.

How social media generate revenue? Social media assisted revenue per share to generate the revenue. For example, someone tweets a product and then places an order, then Twitter will generated $ 26.12 from that order.

Now, let’s look at the topic talking about “how social media is changing e-commerce?
First of all, social media cans exposure to new products. New products are being released everyday and it is hard to keep up with. By digging into our profile, social media website can recommend products to us every time we shop in their shop. Undoubtedly many of these suggestions will involve products we have not heard about or we had previously never considered purchasing until then.

Next, social media bring users to social incentives for purchasing. Wanting new and better things others already have is a powerful factor in purchasing behaviour. Many of us want the latest and greatest; and this desire increase when the people we know having it. So, many customers are purchasing due to social incentives.

Then, how is social media changing the world?
Social media will make information universal. Anyone in the world now has access to the totality of human knowledge. If this sound hyperbolic, just imagine how likely it was for a kid in a third world country to read classic literature a decade ago. Besides, education nowadays is becoming a global right for all people and social media makes it easier for both children and adults to communicate with each other and learn about the world at large.

Lastly, social media has changed the way we communicate. It becomes easier for us to communicate with each others as compared to last time. Businesses used social media to communicate directly with their customers. They can obtain feedback and ideas, monitor conversations about their businesses and let their customers know that they are genuinely interested in them. If utilized and kept current, social media can greatly aide how businesses access their customers, market their products and allow businesses to establish essential customer relationships. As a business tool, social media have great potential, changing the way many businesses opera.