Friday, 6 July 2012

Business Social Network: Opportunities and threats

  Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups such as small rural communities. Nowadays, social networking is not only possible in person but also for business, high school and etc. The most common social networking is Twitter and Facebook. As for business social network, it is a socio economy activity by a groups of businessman act or behave upon business opportunities.

  The opportunity for business social network would be social networking can really help the company grow their business and interact well with existing customers. Besides that, many business people agree that business networking is a more cost effective method than through advertising or public relation as business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money.

  However, there are some threats for business social network. The first is perhaps the effect on productivity in the form of addictive games on Facebook such as Farmville and Texas Holdem Poker. Next, the malicious links that are being spread on sites and these scams work by luring people to click on links posted on social networking sites with those scandalous comments. By clicking on those links, people are potentially downloading and infecting their computer with malware which could harm their IT network. To make things even worse, they will potentially be spreading the problem around the business via their business social network.

  In conclusion, the company should fully utilise their company’s opportunity efficiently and effectively while tackle their threats carefully as it may harm the company’s reputation.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post this is really an interesting and a beneficial post through social media people get more aware about the business opportunity and they are ready to make investments. Social media is effective for the promotion and for the popularity of the business.
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